How to Walk in Your Purpose: Discovering Your Place in God’s Plan.

God created Mankind, with a purpose in heart. God wanted us to be an extension of himself on the earth. He wanted mankind to dominate the earth, to replenish it, and also multiply upon it. Mankind was created in God’s image to also achieve this intention. God knew that Man would need to be connected with him to accurately perform his intended purpose on the earth, and so when creating man, he gave him a form (image) like his, which is what is known as spirit. God is a Spirit (John 4:24), but man is not. Man is a combination of spirit, soul, and body (Gen 1:27, Gen 2:7). Man’s makeup of spirit, soul, and body allows him to communicate with God, the spiritual realm, and the earth. Man’s spirit connects to God, his soul receives from his spirit and communicates that to his body, and his body consummates the plan received from God on the Earth. However Man sinned against God; he was instructed to never eat of the fruit of a certain tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but he did, and immediately lost connection with God (Romans 3:23). Due to this disconnection, Man could no longer connect to God as intended to find out what God would have him do. He was lost and had nothing on his hands to do.

Therefore man began to live from his self (soul). He did whatever his body (flesh) told him to do. He did whatever pleased him.

Three consequences came upon man because of his mistake (sin).

● It disconnected him from God (Romans 3:23).

● It exposed him to judgment (Gen 2:16-17)

● It brought torment on man.

Although, it seemed that God had forgotten man after man lost connection with him, he had not. God sent his son Jesus who took on himself, the repercussion, the judgment, and the death that was our portion based on sin. He was treated like a criminal and eventually died a brutal death on the cross for our sins, and then he was resurrected. After resurrection, he returned to heaven and now sits on God’s right hand (Acts 2:32-33). This substitution carried out on our behalf by Jesus is the basis for our reconnection back to God. This reconnection happens by repentance and faith in all that Jesus did, but it doesn’t stop there. After we reconnect back to faith, we must begin to live our lives from that reconnection. God didn’t order the reconnection without a purpose in heart. He reconnected us back to him through Jesus so that the purpose he had for all of mankind right from the start could be established.

Brethren, this is why we must see the need to live our lives here on Earth, from a consciousness of God in heaven (Colossians 3:1). Our walk on Earth should no longer be aimless as it was before. It should be God-consciousness-driven. Indeed, we can still use our will, and choose what we want (Romans 6:16), but we have to use it rightly. God redeemed us from sin and its wickedness, and the only reasonable way we can appreciate him is to surrender ourselves to his will (Romans 12:1). The only reasonable way we can respond to him is to give ourselves to his intention. The moment we determine to begin to do so from a consciousness of him, grace will be made available immediately to make that action possible for us (Romans 6:14).

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