Victory Over Hinderances: Overcoming Spiritual Speed Breakers

You are God’s package to the World. A package full of God’s graces. A package bearing resources that will sponsor the fulfillment of God’s desires on the earth. In salvation, God stocked you with all you need for life and godliness here on earth through the Holy Spirit. This operation occurred the moment you became one with Christ by being born again (born of water and Spirit (John 3:3-5)).

The testimony above is a wonderful one and reveals to us that our journey here on earth is fully sponsored by God. God did not leave us alone to “finance” our Christian living here on earth, but there is something we must also pay attention to; even though we are fully graced by God for our journey, there are limitations that stand in our way to frustrate those graces over our lives. How? By causing us to live lives adverse to God’s grace upon our lives. These limitations can be defined as ” spiritual speed breakers.”

A physical example of Spiritual speed breakers is a speed bump found on the road. The bump serves as a means to stop any vehicle from overspeeding. It regulates and limits how fast such a vehicle can go. This is the same with “spiritual speed breakers.

”What are Spiritual speed breakers?

They are soul-dwelling limitations (propensities/possibilities for sins) that are structured into a believer’s life to keep him from ever coming up to speed in his Christian walk. Many believers are ignorant of this concept, and you see so many of us get up to speed in our walk with God, and then come screeching to a halt before these speed breakers.

Spiritual speed breakers are not necessarily sins in themselves; they are weaknesses such a believer has as a result of his former interactions with the world, or weaknesses in his lineage that have found their way into his soul based on his interactions (choices). Another name for “spiritual speed breakers” is besetting sins.

Hebrews 12:1

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

Examples of people who experienced this limitation at the height of their manifestations are:

● Elijah || Limitation: Low self-esteem (1 Kings 19:1-18).

● Judas || Limitation: Greed.

● David || Limitation: Lust for women (2 Samuel 11:1-4).

These limitations will always attempt to keep a believer under their hold. It is usually a strong battle, but there is good news. The good news is we have won already in Christ. What this means for any believer faced with these limitations, whichever one it may be, is that he can overcome this limitation through Christ. This victory is harnessed and employed by our intimacy with the Holy Spirit. When we begin to walk in alignment with the Holy Spirit by prayer, by study of the Word, and by constantly listening to, and obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit, these limitations will naturally give way. We walk in the experience of liberty over these limitations by living in obedience to the liberty we have through the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3:17).

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