God’s intention for every man is to make us kings, and this is why God’s word to man, after creating him consisted of many kingdom-type words (Genesis 1:28). He said to the whole of mankind in Adam, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it. These words tend to come into play when a kingdom takes a territory. The kingdom first “subdues” the occupants of that land, and begins to enforce its own will. The takeover of the territory happens when the new territory owners begin replenishing the land’s number with more of their kind (fruitfulness), by multiplication (increase in number). This was literally what God told Adam (and all mankind in Adam) to do, but this kingship aspect that God offered to us all in Adam is powered by “priesthood.” (Revelation 5:10).
Who is a Priest?
A priest is one who stands in on behalf of others. Adam was a priest on earth by God’s ordination. He stood as the intermediary between the earth and God (Genesis 1:26) but used this position of his to bring bad on the earth through his disobedience to God (Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-6). Priesthood is the office of service occupied by the person known as a priest.
The problem in your family is not God’s original plan. Whatever is happening in your family, whether good or bad, is because the priests in your family (including you) are not active, or are asleep (Ezekiel 22:30). There is no one to stand as an intermediary to give God’s intention freedom to manifest family. As a Child of God, you are God’s priest in your family. There are perks to your being God’s priest: God will give you secrets. These secrets might be knowledge from the past, present, or future. It might also be a knowledge of God from the scripture, that you need for the accuracy of your priesthood (Psalms 119:105). All of these secrets are intended to help you fully maximize your position as a priest in your family.
There are two things you as a priest should take notice of if you want to intercede for your family
1) Patterns.
These are similar events or experiences affecting a group of people.and
2) Cycles.
This a continuous happening of events around a person.
In accomplishing priesthood, you must be willing to see God reign in your family. This willingness will serve as the opening that gives God the platform to teach you how to engage him over your family’s situation.
An example of a Bible character who engaged this procedure of willingness is Daniel. He eventually received information from God that transformed his priesthood from weak to effective (Daniel 9:12).
What happened?
Daniel saw that God had made a promise to his people (Israel), but it wasn’t forthcoming even though it was time for its manifestation, so he sought the Lord’s face about this matter. This is how you also ought to operate as God’s priest. Remember God blesses they that hunger after righteousness with their desires (Matthew 5:6). You must be willing to leverage this law of God as a priest of his.
There are two things you must uphold as God’s priest:
1) Regimented prayers.
This is a highly controlled prayer life.
2) A life of holiness.
This means living a life committed to holiness. Living in a way that God approves of.