We all have different wiring and framework depending on who they are. Females tend to be very emotional people. They are tender and very open to committing themselves to things, but males are the opposite of this. Males tend to be rigid and almost emotionless most times. Whilst this may serve as an advantage for each party depending on the scenarios they encounter, as believers, every attribute we possess should find its anchor on the possibilities of God’s Word and not self, or else we will be doing ourselves a great disservice.Your framework as a human is unique. Nonetheless, you must be willing to journey beyond this juncture to get the Word of God for your life and anchor your living to it. The Word of God is our authority against the devil. The Word of God is our weapon to withstand the devil’s assault of deception (1 Tim 1:18). It is also our weapon of attack to destroy every of the devil’s premises and setups. When you live a life lacking the Word, it is comparable to walking on the field of an ungoing battle defenseless and unarmed. Such a way of life is a setup that allows for casualty. The devil will take advantage of you.
There are 2 detriments we will face when we live a Wordless of life.
1) We will limit God’s riches over our lives.When you live a life that shuts out truth, God will be handicapped in his dealings with you. He wants the best for you, but his best will never get to you as long as you refuse to stand for truth.
2) We annul the effectiveness of God’s riches over us.The riches of God are expressed in and by his Word. If we don’t respect this, we will continue to be at loggerheads with God, positioning ourselves to refuse what God has intended for us in the first place.
The devil is committed to attacking the believer as a result of his stubborness. In the same vein, we must be committed to resisting him by the Word. Faith would have been easy if the devil was not available, but he is. Our knowledge of God by his Word is the only advantage we have over the devil.What is the knowing of God?
The knowing of God is knowledge acquired by intimacy, a life of fellowship with the Lord. It is the knowledge of the Word. This knowledge is accessible to all believers. We are all entitled to it, but all of us might not get it because it requires a decision. It requires that we make intentional choices to best angulate ourselves towards knowing God’s mind.There are three choices you must be willing to make to come into this knowledge.
● You must intentionally be conscious of the presence of the Holy Spirit in you.
● A willingness to yield to the Holy Spirit at all times.
● You must sustain a willingness to always hear God’s Word over every matter: Start from the simpler matters and build on to the bigger ones. When you become intimate with God, you will begin to respond to situations from two source points.
1) By the heard Word.These are words you received over a certain matter before it happened. These words serve as an anchor to your boat in the day of storms and wind.
2) By fellowship.From the basis of a healthy relationship, you will be able to easily hear God at all times, even in the middle of a storm. Intimacy with God naturally cultivates the heart into yielding to the Holy Ghost. In the day of problems and situations, that intimacy can be relied on for strength.When we are not anchored on these two, we will be doomed for capsizing. As believers, we must be so intimate with God that we can hear from him at all times to receive his Word.

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