who we are
A Christian organization with the mandate to bring many people into the revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ through the ministry of prayer and the word of God
Meet the Sower
A messenger of God with the responsibility of revealing Jesus through the sharing of the word of God in truth and power, in order to raise people producing fruits of righteousness consistent with the nature of Christ and the kingdom of God.
“God desires to raise to Himself a new generation of believers, whose hearts burn with love for Jesus and seek to reveal His glory in the earth” Joel 2:3
Our Vision
To see the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters covers the sea
Our Mission
Bringing the knowledge of Jesus to everyone through the sharing of the word and the display of His power, wisdom and character

We believe in the engagement of consistent prayers in order to build a culture of waiting on the Lord, and for the will of God to be done on the earth as it is in heaven

Ministry of the Word
teaching and preaching of the word of God to all people in truth and power, at every opportunity available so all men can be saved, and come to experiential Knowledge of the Truth(Mathew 28:18-20)

Obeying the greatest commandment which is to love God and others through fellowship with God and expressing the love of God to others
Our Core Values
Our internal compass and living principles by which we will use to accomplish this are listed below:

A life of personal commitment to God in prayer, holiness and being led by the spirit; in order to trust, follow, and seek His will in all things.

The heavens and earth were founded by wisdom, Kings rule by wisdom, and for us to be successful in our kingdom mandate as children of God and as a ministry, we believe strongly in engaging the wisdom of God, both through accurate knowledge and creative intelligence inspired by the Holy Spirit, in carrying out our assignment.

Excellent Character
We believe, that after a strong internal operation of power and wisdom in a man's life, Godly Character expressed externally to others is the highest form of revelation of God to the world. This is gotten by the inner working of the Holy Spirit and the cultivation of the fruits of the Spirit of Love, which is the character of Christ
Meet Our Super Team

Rachel Adeojo
Ministry Administrator

Blessing Aremu
Programs and Evangelism

Precious Sowole
Prayer and Counselling

Gloria Kuyoro
Counselling and Deliverance

David Kusimo
Operations and Logistics

Seun Alabi
Media and Publicity
Our Board of Advisors
Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.
Secretary General, AAU and General Superintendent, DHBC
Pastor and Children Evangelist
Pastor, Living faith Church
Christian Professional Counsellor and Strategic Management Consultant
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get in touch
I want to answer every single email as fast as I can, but please remember that in most cases my responses will not be immediate. I do my best to respond within 72 hours though.