The battle between light and darkness || Kingdom Calibration || The Sower
You are under attack. You might ask why. And wonder what you did that warrants an attack? You might say “I am innocent, and I mind my business… I don’t bother witches, nor do I abuse traditionalists.”
As good as all of your reasons might seem, they don’t matter to this attacker, the devil. He is out to get humanity and impose his will on them (John 10:10 a), but there is a twist here because God wants to do similar, but not in the form of imposition as the devil plans to do. God wants to access humanity as we yield to him by our choices. This is where the battle of the soul comes in.
What is the battle of the soul?
This is an all-out attack of the devil on all humanity (Christians and non-Christians) to turn their heart, mind, will, emotion, and conscience towards his perspective to progress his agenda of destruction (John 10:10 a). Looking at this same concept from God’s perspective, it is an outreach attempt from God to bring man into his agenda anchored on Christ (Romans 8:29).
This battle can, therefore, be best described as the battle of kingdoms.
The reason why Christians are also a focus point in this battle is because of the peculiarity of God’s work of salvation in our lives. Our salvation is progressional:
● Our spirit is saved in Christ through our being born again (2 Cor 6:17),
● Our soul is saved through our everyday yielding to God’s Word (Are you yielding?) (James 1:21), and
● Our bodies will be saved when Jesus returns (1 Cor 15:49-57).
The devil leverages the daily need for us to yield to God through our souls, to be saved as a means to try and impose his own will on us. If our souls were saved, he wouldn’t have such access, but he does.
And so, in this battle, you as can not be neutral. You are either working out God’s will (righteousness) by your obedience or sponsoring the devil’s works (iniquity) by yielding to your impulses and things that are not inspired by God’s Spirit.
Your only point of salvation from the devil’s attack is in the place of waiting in God. It is in waiting that you will be strengthened to represent God and resist the devil (Isaiah 40:31)
These are three ways to wait on God:
1) Fasting: abstinence from food as allowed/inspired by God’s Spirit.
2) Prayer: Long hours of tongues (Jude 1:20).
3) Meditation (Joshua 1:9).
Keeping your thought life anchored on God’s.
Every action that you make sponsors either kingdom. As Christians, we cannot sit on the fence at all. We are either for God or the devil.