The Christian’s life is one guided by many parameters. It is intentional because God called us with a mapped-out intention in his heart: His intention was a people who would be a testament to his good works in Christ. This intention was revealed in the law of Moses, and can now be fulfilled by we who walk in Christ.
We are called by God to be living epistles of his goodness. In our families, streets, workplaces, etc. Our lives are supposed to reveal to everyone around us the goodness of God through Christ.
This form of living can be defined as “”the flavored life.””
What is the flavored life?
The flavored life is an intentional form of living anchored in God’s Word. This living stems from nothing, but the Word of God. This is the life we are called to as believers.
Jesus said in the book of Matthew 5:13, that we are the salt of the earth. He also mentioned in verses 14, and 15 of that same chapter that we are the light of the World. The physical characteristics worthy of note in these analogies are the word, salt and light.
The purpose of salt in food is to give it flavor, whilst light gives illumination to its user. In the same vein, a believer ought to bring flavor, and light to wherever he finds himself by revealing the good works of Christ.
The reason why the world is the way it is today is because many believers have lost their flavor, and hidden their light. This happens when a believer begins to live averse to Christ. A believer living contrary to Christ will always be in opposition against God’s intention.
God’s intention is for us to shine bright, and bring meaning to the world by walking in Christ; by study of his Word, praying, fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, and obedience to the Holy Spirit.
In revealing God’s flavor to the world, we are also supposed to teach others to do the same. The same value system of Christ that our living anchors on is meant to be revealed, and taught to others by our lives.
Many believers today have chosen to hide Christ in them by being selfish with the knowledge of him. They flinch from the opportunity to teach others Christ. Whereas this is one of the ways by which we are supposed to reveal Christ as believers.
The believer is supposed to grow to a point where he disciples people in the things of God that he walks in.
It is like an apprentice and a trained master: The master knows a craft that the apprentice lacks knowledge in; however, over time the apprentice is brought to the same level of knowledge as his master as a result of rigorous training and mentorship.
This is the same way we are supposed to disciple people into the knowledge of Christ as believers. We are supposed to train men unlearned in the things of Christ to the point where they can relate to it also.