What is Power?
Power is God’s utensil for achieving his purpose. Just like it would be impossible for an astronaut to do space study without the necessary resources, such as a rocket, a space suit, food, oxygen supply tanks, etc., it would be impossible for a believer to see God’s purpose achieved over his life, his family, his nation or in the earth without the availability of power.
Anytime we face a situations and we are unable to find a response for that situation from God’s perspective, it is proof of our lack of God’s power in that aspect. As believers, the power of God is supposed to be the basis for our response to all that happens to, or around us. Our choices in education, marriage, in family are supposed to be inspired by God’s power.
God’s whole kingdom is predicated on his power (1 Corinthians 4:20); the angels move by the influence of this power. The whole earth also operates by the frequency of his power (Psalms 19:1-5). And so, for every individual who desires to see God’s promises realized, and expressed in his life, he must be willing to seek God’s power and align himself to the demands of this power. The promises of God are beautiful, they are yes, and amen, but they will remain as potentials to us unless we receive the power needed to actualize them.
What are the intentions or purposes of power?
● To witness Jesus to the world.
Jesus is resurrected and alive, and every believer who walks in God’s power is proof of existence. The witness of Jesus can only be revealed by God’s power (Acts 1:8).
● To witness Jesus to principalities.
The power of God is not only supposed to aid us in revealing Jesus to the people of this world but it is also supposed to help us reveal the greatness of God’s wisdom to angels and even demons.
Ephesians 3:10
to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places,
As we walk in God’s power, resisting the devil, and all his works, and remaining in obedience to the operation of God’s power over our lives, both demons and angels are supposed to learn of God through our lives. This is God’s intention for every believer.
● To walk in divine purpose.
As earlier mentioned it will be impossible to achieve God’s intention without his power. And so, as believers, we need to begin harnessing God’s power to be able to see his intention of glory manifest in our lives (Romans 1:29).
When we became born again in Christ, we received the power of God into us as a potential form of energy, but the process of converting this power from potential energy into something that can be used requires certain demands from us.
There are three demands of power:
● Hunger.
This is a sincere desire to see God’s power manifested, and God respects and responds to this form of desire (Matthew 5:6). This desire can be expressed in sincere fastings, or prayers to see a dimension of God manifest in you.
An example of someone who encountered God’s powered by a sincere hunger to see his power is Daniel (Daniel 9)
● Purity.
A believer might walk in a measure of God’s power, even though his ways are not right, as a result of certain factors, but the true revelation of God’s power works hand in hand with his righteousness. Any believer living in sin will never know God’s true power. Hence, one must be willing to commit himself to obedience to God’s instructions if he will walk in God’s true power.
● Love.
A believer who devotes his all to God in love will inevitably walk in power. Such a person will be enshrouded by God as a response to his love (Proverbs 8:17).
The power of God is not abstract. Neither is it just a ball of energy lying somewhere waiting for our use. The power of God is Christ (1 Corinthians 1:24), and as we walk in all of these demands seeking him, and him only, his fullness will be manifest in our lives, our families, our nation, and in this world.