You need the advantage wisdom provides for your living here on earth, because when the earth was created by God, certain constant wisdom was set to govern the earth’s operation. The earth was also created by wisdom. And so, it is wisdom itself for a man to be willing to learn this wisdom to give himself an advantage here on earth.
Is there any part of a setup in your life that is experiencing deficiency? If there is, that part lacks a wisdom that should uphold it, and it would be wise to seek it out.
What is wisdom?
Wisdom is a method of application. It is a way of doing something or the system/process of operation of a thing. The earth and the heavens were created by the Word, which is God’s system of operation. The Word was also used to bind the earth with a certain wisdoms that allows the earth almost run without God’s interference. God set wisdoms in place that allows the earth to run autonomously, but we must understand that the earth doesn’t run fully autonomously because there is another wisdom in place that allows for the interference of God and certain beings known as spirits. These beings interfere because of the presence of a wisdom known as:
● The wisdom of the spirit: This wisdom is superior to that of the physical. It consists of
• God’s wisdom, the Word, and
• Devilish or demonic wisdom.
This wisdom (system) is superior to those governing the earth, and so unnatural interferences can take place from time to time. A person can be faithful to physical wisdom (planting) and fail (no harvest) because they faulted in the spiritual one, but God is not a respecter of persons, he rewards all who are faithful in walking his wisdom.
The systems of the physical are the default laws guiding the earth’s operation, such as seedtime and harvest (Genesis 8:21-22), etc. As much as physical systems exist, we were created by God to leverage these systems by walking in his wisdom. Man was never created to live adverse to God’s wisdom. We were created to function with the physical wisdom of the earth by the wisdom of God, the Word of God. We ought to search the scriptures to discover God’s wisdom and superimpose that on the earth. God’s wisdom is the platform for our dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26).
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